apa itu contact lens?
A contact lens (also known simply as a contact) is a corrective, cosmetic, or therapeutic lens usually placed on the cornea of the eye. Modern soft contact lenses were invented by the Czech chemists Otto Wichterle and Drahoslav Lím, who also invented the first gel used for their production.
Contact lenses usually serve the same corrective purpose as glasses, but are lightweight and virtually invisible—many commercial lenses are tinted a faint blue to make them more visible when immersed in cleaning and storage solutions. Some cosmetic lenses are deliberately colored to alter the appearance of the eye.
It has been estimated that 125 million people use contact lenses worldwide (2%),[1] including 28 to 38 million in the United States[1][2] and 13 million in Japan.[3] The types of lenses used and prescribed vary markedly between countries, with rigid lenses accounting for over 20% of currently-prescribed lenses in Japan, Netherlands and Germany but less than 5% in Scandinavia.[1]
People choose to wear contact lenses for many reasons, often due to their appearance and practicality.[4] When compared to spectacles, contact lenses are less affected by wet weather, do not steam up, and provide a wider field of vision. They are more suitable for a number of sporting activities.[5] Additionally, ophthalmological conditions such as keratoconus and aniseikonia may not be accurately corrected with glasses.
Jangan gunakan lensa kontak saat anda atau saudara anda hadir di pesta BBQ atau sejenisnya yang berhubungan dengan api…
Sebuah kisah nyata mengenai efek lensa kontak….
Ini terjadi pada seorang pemuda berusia 21 tahun,
dia pakai lensa kontak selama pesta barbecue.
Ketika dia sedang memanggang daging, dia memandangi terus bara api itu.
Setelah beberapa detik kemudian, dia mulai berteriak minta tolong dan meloncat-loncat.
Orang-orang disekitar tidak tahu kenapa….
Saat tiba di rumah sakit, dokter bilang kalau pemuda itu buta
permanen akibat lensa kontak yang dipakai.
Lensa kontak terbuat dari plastik dan hawa panas dari bara api
telah melelehkan lensa kontak tsb.
Kalo anda perduli, informasikan ke teman-2 anda…….