Monday, October 18, 2010


Verse 1:
Meekness and majesty
In humbleness You came down and rescued me
You gave it all upon The Cross
As an offering

Verse 2:
You traded Your life for me
In righteousness You poured out Your love so free
And now my soul will worship You
As an offering

We come into Your presence now in awe
Casting all our crowns at Your feet
How wonderful the things that You have done
Forever You will reign glorious

Be lifted up from Glory to glory to glory
We offer up the praises that You deserve
You’re changing us from glory to glory to glory
Our lives will shine before You and shout Your worth
You’re glorious

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Verse 1:
Di hati-Mu terukir namaku
Di mata-Mu terlukis wajahku
Bukan karna kuat gagahku
Namun hanya karna kemurahan-Mu

Verse 2:
Meski terkadang aku terjatuh
Tak pernah lelah Kau hampiriku
Memelukku dengan cinta-Mu
Betapa besar mulia kasih-Mu

Bagi-Mu Tuhan
Sgala Pujian
Hormat Kemuliaan
Tiada Ternilai
Salib-Mu Tuhan
Sungguh Berharga Engkau…Yesus

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Lagu TIADA TERNILAI dapat didownload disini


Verse 1:
Dalam anugrahMu
Dalam naunganMu
Kudapat merasakan
KemuliaanMu Tuhan

Verse 2:
Kau yg menetapkan
Kau yg mencurahkan
Kuasa dari tahtaMu
Membangkitkan rohku

Slamanya Kau Tuhanku
Yang terutama di hidupku
Tak akan kulepaskan
Pengharapan didalamMu

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Lagu SLAMANYA KAU TUHAN dapat didownload disini

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kau Rajaku - True Worshippers

Kau Rajaku

Yesus Tuhan
Kau Rajaku

Yang bertahta
Yang berkuasa
Yesus Tuhan
Kau Rajaku

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Lagu Kau Rajaku dapat didownload disini

Dengan Mu Tuhan - True Worshippers

Tak pernah ku ragu
Akan kesetianMu
Kau pegang hidupku
Sepenuh jiwaku
Ku yakin dan percaya
Kau tuntun langkahku

Yesus Kau lah raja dalam hidupku
Berkuasa berjaya untuk s’lamanya

Hanya Kau Tuhan
Sumber kekuatan
KuasaMu tercurah
Bagiku senantiasa
DenganMu Tuhan
Ku kan berjalan
Dari kemuliaan
Sampai kemuliaan

Back to #, Reff

tag: True Worshipper 2010, From Glory to glory, DenganMu Tuhan, download TW, download from glory to glory, lyric from glory to glory, lirik DenganMu Tuhan

Anda dapat download lagu ini disini

Tinggi NamaMu dipuji- True Worshippers

Besar dari yang kuharapkan
Bukti dari segala yang tak kulihat
Iman b’rikanku kekuatan
‘tuk melakukan perkara yang hebat

(Katakan bersama)
Bersama rohku
(Ku pasti)
Ku pasti menang

Tinggi namaMu dipuji
Hormat kemuliaan
Sorak dengan s’genap hati
Raja keagungan

(B’rikan sorak sorai bagi Dia)

Takkan biarkan pencobaan
Melebihi batas kekuatanku
Kau yang berikanku kemuliaan
Semakin serupa dengan gambaranMu

Bersama rohku
Ku pasti menang

Back to Reff

tag: True Worshipper 2010, From Glory to glory, Tinggi namaMu dipuji, download TW, download from glory to glory, lyric from glory to glory, lirik Tinggi namaMu dipuji

Anda dapat download lagu ini disini



Glory to God in the highest
For Your great and matchless name
I worship You and honor You
You’re lifted up in this place

Jesus The Son there’s no other
Heavenly King, Lamb of God
For You alone The Holy One
You’re lifted up in this place

O.. God I (we) worship You
O.. God I worship You
Be glorified and magnified
O.. God I worship You

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You are my father





Songwriter: Arvid Gunardi & Sidney Mohede

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Thursday, September 02, 2010

Chat with YM

do you ever chat with YM? what is YM? YM mean Yahoo Messanger.
there is information that you must know,

AFAIK -- As Far As I Know.
AFK -- Away From Keyboard.
ASAP -- As Soon As Possible.
BAS -- Big A** Smile.
B4 --Before.
BBL -- Be Back Later.
BBN -- Bye Bye Now.
BBS -- Be Back Soon.
BEG -- Big Evil Grin.
BF -- Boyfriend.
BIBO -- Beer In, Beer Out.
BRB -- Be Right Back.
BTW -- By The Way.
BWL -- Bursting With Laughter.
C&G -- Chuckle and Grin.
CICO -- Coffee In,Coffee Out.
CID -- Crying In Disgrace.
CNP -- Continued (in my) Next Post.
CP -- Chat Post(a chat message).
CRBT -- Crying Real Big Tears
CSG -- Chuckle Snicker Grin.
CYA -- See You (Seeya).
CYAL8R -- See You Later (Seeyalata).
CUL8R -- See You Later.
DLTBBB -- Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite.
EG -- Evil Grin.
EMSG -- Email Message.
FC -- Fingers Crossed.
FTBOMH -- From The Bottom Of My Heart.
FYI -- For Your Information.
FWIW -- For What It's Worth.
GAL -- Get A Life.
GF -- Girlfriend.
GFN -- Gone For Now.
GMBA -- Giggling My Butt Off.
GMTA -- Great Minds Think Alike.
GR8 -- Great.
GTSY -- Glad To See You.
H&K -- Hug and Kiss.
HABU -- Have A Better 'Un.
HAGN -- Have A Good Night.
HAGU -- Have A Good 'Un.
HHIS -- Hanging Head in Shame.
HUB -- Head Up Butt.
IAE -- In Any Event.
IC -- I See.
IGP --I Gotta Pee.
IMNSHO -- In My Not So Humble Opinion.
IMO -- In My Opinion.
IMCO -- In My Considered Opinion.
IMHO -- In My Humble Opinion.
IOW -- In Other Words.
IRL -- In Real Life.
IWALU -- I Will Always Love You.
IWO -- In Other Words.
JMO -- Just My Opinion.
JTLYK -- Just To Let You Know.
KIT -- Keep In Touch.
KOC -- Kiss On Cheek.
KOL -- Kiss On Lips.
L8R -- Later.
L8R -- G8R Later 'Gater.
LHM -- Lord Help Me.
LHO -- Laughing Head Off.
LHU -- Lord Help Us.
LMAO -- Laughing My A$$ Off.
LMSO -- Laughing My Socks Off.
LTNS -- Long Time No See.
LOL -- Laugh Out Loud.
LSHMBB -- Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing.
LSHMBH -- Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts.
LSHTTARDML -- Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg.
LTNS -- Long Time No See.
LTS -- Laughing To Self.
LUWAMH -- Love You With All My Heart.
LY -- Love Ya.
MTF -- More To Follow.
NRN -- No Reply Necessary.
NADT -- Not A Darn Thing.
OIC -- Oh, I See.
OL -- Old Lady (significant other).
OM -- Old Man (significant other).
OTOH -- On The Other Hand.
OTTOMH -- Off The Top of My Head.
PDS -- Please Don't Shoot.
PITA -- Pain In The Ass.
PM -- Private Message
PMFJI -- Pardon Me For Jumping In.
PMP -- Peed My Pants.
POAHF -- Put On A Happy Face.
QSL -- Reply QSO -- Conversation.
QT -- Cutie.
ROFL -- Rolling On Floor Laughing.
ROFLAPMP -- ROFL And Peeing My Pants.
ROFLUTS ROFL -- Unable to Speak.
RTFM -- Read The Fucking Manual!.
SETE -- Smiling Ear To Ear.
SHID -- Slaps Head In Disgust.
SNERT -- Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager.
SO -- Significant Other.
SOT -- Short Of Time.
SOTMG -- Short Of Time Must Go.
SWAK -- Sealed With A Kiss.
SWAS -- Scientific Wild A** Guess.
SWL -- Screaming with Laughter.
SYS -- See You Soon.
TA -- Thanks Again.
TGIF -- Thank God It's Friday.
TCOY -- Take Care Of Yourself.
TILII -- Tell It Like It Is.
TNT -- Till Next Time.
TOY -- Thinking Of You.
TTFN -- Ta Ta For Now.
TTYL -- Talk To You Later.
WAS -- Wild Ass Guess.
WB -- Welcome Back.
WTH -- What/Who The Heck/Hell (or sub an 'F' for the 'H'.
YBS -- You'll Be Sorry.
YG -- Young Gentleman.
YL -- Young Lady YM -- Young Man.

money oh money


Money can buy a House
But not a Home

Money can buy a Bed
But not Sleep

It can buy a Clock
But not Time

It can buy you a Book
But not Knowledge

Money can buy you a Position
But not Respect

Money can buy you Medicine
But not Health

Money can buy you Blood
But not Life

Money can buy you Sex
But not Love

Money isn't everything
It often causes pain and suffering

I tell you this
cause I'm your friend
and want to take away
your pain and suffering
So send me all your money
and I will suffer for you


Thursday, August 19, 2010

free premium template from rockettheme

Being a blogger, it is useful to present the best we can. like a shop, design template is everything. Because when the visitors come from anywhere in the world, they will immediately remove possible if you see the look of your website that are not attractive.
The first impression visitors have we won our blog. This is apt strategy to win the hearts of visitors. for this reason, this time I will share with you, to share-based WordPress Blog Templates that I have from RocketTheme. This morning I see it cost to get the templates from RocketTheme is $ 50 for 60 days. $ 75 for 180 days and $ 90 for one full year of membership.

You do not have to bother with, and mnegeluarkan much money, I'll share with you one template called solar sentinel. This template is good, [since this is a premium template, which I share for you]. Universities in Indonesia, one that uses this template is Paramadina University. You can check yourself at

there is screen shoot from solar sentinel


* New: RokMicroNews

* New: RokNewsFlash

* New: RokStories

* RokBox

* Source Ordered Layout

* RokMooMenu

* 10 Preset Styles

* 9 Widget Variations

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* Fully translatable

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* W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid

if you want, you can download there

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Get Into the best shape of your life fast

have a good shape is dream every people. at general, they want have body to be slim. actually, i think the effective way is with boot camps. what is boot camps? Boot camp refers colloquially to military recruit training. there, we have many training. Each training session runs for 45-90mins, with each course as challenging as the next, activities can include: pad work, running/ interval training, kettlebell training, endurance circuits SAQ, circuit training, tabata, core training, resistance training steep step running, assault course, swimming, tyre challenge, biathlon, stretching and more.
now, we can called fitness boot camps. in there, we will be have a good shape. through exercise, we will see a effect. All inclusive Weekend to get Lean in Surrey,Sussex & Kent. then, not only training but also, we have protected our nutrition. As optimum nutrition is key for effective breaking down of fat for energy, our targeted menus and meal plans are put together and Nutritional workshop delivered by our highly acclaimed Nutritionist accredited by the British Association of Nutrition Therapists (BANT).

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sistem Basis Data

Minggu ini adalah minggu terakhir dari perkuliahan kita. berikut adalah materi yang akan digunakan untuk UAS. semua materi sudah Anda dapatkan baik sebelum UTS atau sesudah UTS. materi ini mencakup relasi dua tabel, klausa Where, dsb.

sebelumnya Anda harus membuat dua tabel dengan struktur sebagai berikut

Table Dosen
Field : Nid varchar (8)*
Nama varchar (15

untuk tabel gaji
Nid varchar (8)*
Lama Varchar (2)
Golongan varchar (4)
Gaji int (7)
Golongan varchar (4)

pertanyaan :
1. Dari dua table tersebut bentuk field berikut, Nid, Nama, Lama, Golongan, Gaji.
2. Tampilkan nama dosen yang memiliki Gaji diatas 3000000
3. Tampilkan semua dosen yang memiliki golongan IIA
4. Tampilkan semua dosen yang lama mengabdi antra 5 sampai 10 tahun.
5. Tampilkan semua dosen yang bergolongan I A dan gaji = 2.250.000
6. Tampilkan semua dosen yang bergolongan II A atau lama 8 tahun

klue nya:

no. 1 adalah menggabungkan dua buah tabel dengan perintah inner join. sedangkan no berikutnya menggunakan klausa where yang ada pada materi sebelum mid semester.

mysql> select dosen.nid, dosen.nama, gaji.lama, gaji.golongan, gaji.gaji
-> from dosen inner join gaji
-> on dosen.nid = gaji.nid
-> ;
| nid | nama | lama | golongan | gaji |
| U.00.115 | Rudi candra | 4 | IIA | 2500000 |
| U.00.105 | Jim neutron | 14 | IA | 2000000 |
| U.00.015 | Colin Powel | 11 | IIA | 2250000 |
| U.00.118 | Tim Huard | 8 | IIIA | 4500000 |
| U.00.001 | lary Page | 9 | IIA | 5000000 |
| U.00.077 | Tony Blair | 1 | IA | 2150000 |
| U.00.320 | Bill Gate | 2 | IVA | 3200000 |
| U.00.145 | Steve jobs | 5 | IA | 2750000 |
| U.00.450 | Bob Sadino | 7 | IIA | 4000000 |
| U.00.003 | Ciputra | 3 | IA | 250000 |
10 rows in set (0.27 sec)

jika Anda membutuhkan pentujunk, silahkan download file berikut

Sunday, July 11, 2010

EditDatabase dengan JCreator

Materi ini ditujukan untuk kuliah tanggal 12 Juli 2010, matakuliah: PPA 2 Java. pada prinsip nya kita akan merubah data yang ada di Database [siswa.mdb yang kita sudah buat di praktikkum sebelumnya]. prinsip yang kita gunakan adalah prinsip update yang ada pada perinah SQL. dasarnya adalah update set A from datasiswa where id = 'xxxx'; berikut scriptnya, tapi dianjurkan untuk mengetik ulang karena dimungkinkan font yang ada berbeda dengan font yang ada di JCreator. jika langsung copy paste kemungkinan akan error.
siapkan JCreatornya.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class editdata
public static void main(String args[])
JFrame frame = new JFrame ("EDIT DATA");
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

JLabel lblnis = new JLabel("NIS");
final JTextField txtnis = new JTextField(4);

JLabel lblnama = new JLabel("NAMA");
final JTextField txtnama = new JTextField(20);

JLabel lblnilai = new JLabel("NILAI");
final JTextField txtnilai = new JTextField(4);

final JTextField txtcari = new JTextField(4);

JButton btncari = new JButton("Cari");
JButton btnedit = new JButton("Edit");

btncari.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
final String cari=txtcari.getText();

String koneksi="jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=siswa.mdb";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(koneksi);
Statement statement = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
String sql="select * from datasiswa where nis like '"+cari+"'";
ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(sql);

System.out.println("Data tidak ada");

catch(Exception ev)
System.out.println("Error :"+ev);

btnedit.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e2)
final String nis=txtnis.getText();
final String nama=txtnama.getText();
final String nilai=txtnilai.getText();

String koneksi="jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=siswa.mdb";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(koneksi);
Statement statement = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
String sql="update datasiswa set nilai='"+nilai+"' where Nis ='"+nis+"'" ;
System.out.println("Data Telah Diubah");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Error :"+e);

frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(6,4));


yang jadi bagian terpenting adalah bagian ini "String koneksi="jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=siswa.mdb"; "
jadi tolong dipastikan file siswa.mdb berada pada satu folder dengan file sehingga bisa berjalan dengan baik.
Apabila berjalan dengan baik, maka akan tampil seperti ini,

Prinsip nya, Anda isikan Nis kemudian tekan button Cari, maka Anda dapat meng-update Field Nilai. kemudian jika sudah dinilai benar, maka Anda dapat tekan button update.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Materi Tugas Untuk PPA 2 - java

Untuk Perkuliahan hari ini, tanggal 28 Juni 2010 digantikan dengan mengerjakan Tugas.
sifat tugas : Individu
Materi : Database dengan Java
harus mencakup Materi Java, JCreator serta Microsoft Access.
kirim ke email :
format seperti biasa : bcozjc-3.[tugas ke-]-[NIM ANDA]
paling lambat : Minggu, 4 Juli 2010

NB: Untuk absensu hari ini, silahkan tulis komentar dengan disertai Nama dan NIM anda.
yang tidak absensi dianggap tidak hadir dalam kuliah hari ini.

Monday, June 07, 2010

bimbingan oh bimbingan ...

setelah sekian lama blog ini tidak terurusi, maka saya mempertimbangkan jika blog ini dihidupkan kembali, pagi ini datang semangat ke kampus setelah 3 minggu kemarin UTS di UNISBANK (Universitas Stikubank) dan 1 minggu juga harus bergelut dengan ruang laboratorium untuk menjaga mahasiswa. sekarang sudah mulai babak baru, yaitu tengah semester kedua.
tidak ada yang spesial sech, tetapi ada pekerjaan yang terus harus dikejar penyelesainnya adlah skripsi. mengerjar target untuk wisuda tahun ini. saya sudah semester VIII di Fakultas Teknologi Informasi UNISBANK semarang. judul yang saya kembangkan ialah berbasis web, pada kasus pemilihan election online presiden BEM di UNISBANK.
sekarang dalam pengerjaannya sudah Bab Iv dan sudah revisi satu kali oleh pembimbing pertama, Drs. Edy Supriyanto, M.Kom dan kemarin saat menjaga UTS bersama dengan pembimbing II Sunardi, S.kom sudah diberikan instruksi revisi kembali. semangat untuk mengerjakan nya, terlebih lagi pembimbing I harus ada keperluan untuk pergi ke Singapura selama 5-6 hari bersama jajaran rektorat UNISBANK. dan hari ini berangkat ke Singapura.
tertunda lagi dech skripsi nya ...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

'The Internet' nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

If the Internet wins the Nobel Peace Prize, do we all get a trophy?

Several nominees for the prestigious 2010 prize, which was awarded last year to President Obama, surfaced on Wednesday in news reports. Among them: "The Internet" and, separately, several of the Web's creators, including Larry Roberts, Vint Cerf and Tim Berners-Lee, who is pictured above.

If one of those guys wins, it's pretty clear who would receive the award.

But if the Internet wins? No one seems to know what would happen then. Maybe give it to Al Gore?

The Internet's credentials aren't bad. Recently, it helped speed relief efforts to Haiti and organized protesters in Iran. Wired Magazine in Italy, which has been advocating for the nomination, says it spreads "dialogue, debate and consensus."

That and, as Chatroulette showed us, porn.

The truth is that the Internet is designed as a fairly neutral platform - and it's used both for good and ill. That's perhaps why the nomination has sparked so much debate - ahem - on the Internet.

Some Web sites, including the tech blog Mashable, have asked whether Wired Magazine in Italy is raising the issue to try to get publicity. One commenter on that blog wrote: "This is a really dumb idea for a bunch of smart people ... I think it is just a publicity stunt on Wired's part."

Others say it's silly to give the Nobel Peace Prize to a thing instead of a person.

The who-will-accept-this-award thread is becoming a running joke online:

"If the Internet wins the Nobel Peace Prize, I really hope a cat accepts the award," Twitter user @joyengel wrote, in an apparent reference to the goofy LOLcats meme.

The Internet has an unprecedented amount of competition. There were more Nobel Peace Prize nominees - 237– this year than ever before, according to news reports.

Not all of the Peace Prize nominations have been made public. Lots of people, from professors to government officials, can submit nominations for the prize.

The prize winner will be announced in October.

If the Internet wins, who do you think should get the prize? And do you think it would be deserved?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fashion Hairstyles

Think of Farrah Fawcett or Marlo Thomas, Jennifer Aniston or Cher. What do they have in common? -- their hairstyles defined them and became as famous as the women themselves. Because each of these women's hair was inseparable from her personality, each achieved style-icon status.

Trendsetters of the 1920s and 1930s included actress Clara Bow, who sported an early flapper cut, and singer Josephine Baker, whose exotic looks were closely watched and mimicked. In the 1940s, it was Marlene Dietrich's movie-star glamour that set the style; Marilyn Monroe's voluptuous bottle-blond tresses defined 1950s hair. The 1960s gave us girl-next-door pigtails and flips -- think Sally Field's Gidget -- and pixies à la Mia Farrow. In the 1970s, we witnessed Jane Fonda sporting a shag and skater Dorothy Hamill wearing her signature wedge. Bo Derek turned cornrows into the sexiest look of the 1980s, and the 1990s brought us both Ivana Trump's highly styled twist and Meg Ryan's relaxed "bed head."

Today, icon hair seems to be softer, with fewer frills and less flash. Jennifer Lopez has gone for long, elegant locks and Jennifer Love Hewitt often wears a simple chignon at the nape of the neck. Some styles will, of course, survive the test of time to become classics; others will soon be forgotten. In the meantime, decide for yourself which are worth watching and which you might want to try.

i think hair accessories is important to woman. to improve good out look from the other.

introduce softball

Softball is a team sport commonly played in the United States and other countries. It is a direct descendant of baseball. Some key differences between softball and baseball are that softballs are larger than baseballs, and pitches are thrown underhand rather than overhand. Softball is played on a smaller diamond than in baseball. Although it is called softball, the ball is not at all soft. For a softball field, the average distance from home plate to center field is 220 ft and from home plate to right and left field is about 200 ft. For a baseball field, the average distance from home plate to center is 410 ft and from home plate to right and left field is about 375 feet. Softball was invented by George Hancock in Chicago, Illinois. The first softball game was played using a rolled up boxing glove as a ball and a broomstick as a bat.
Equipment required in softball includes a ball, a bat, gloves, uniforms and protective gear, including helmets for the offensive team and a helmet, shin guards, and chest protector for the defensive catcher.
The International Softball Federation holds world championships, held every four years, in several categories. The ISF is the international governing body. The Amateur Softball Association is the National Governing Body of Softball for the United States pursuant to the 1976 Amateur Sports Act. Due to the popularity of the sport, there are a multitude of governing bodies such as the United States Specialty Sports Association and the National Softball Association.

The ISF holds world championship tournaments in several categories. The tournament in each category is held every four years. The most recent tournament was XI Women's World Championship in late August and early September, 2006. All World Championships use a Page playoff system[22] and are in fastpitch. There are also several World Cups held at 4 year intervals in different categories.[23][24]

Australia are the current Men's World Champions, having won the title in 2009. Prior to that, New Zealand had won the previous three tournaments.[25] The current Junior Men's World Champion is Australia, which has won the last four championships.[26] In the Women's World Championships the United States is the most dominant team, having won three of the past four Olympic tournaments and the past six World Championships.[27][28] The current Junior Women's World Champion is the United States.[29]

Women's softball made its first Olympic appearance in 1996 and made its final Olympic appearance in the 2008 games

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Friday, March 26, 2010

fashion accessories company COACH

for woman, fashion is requirement that is most basic.

no wonder if every woman wish to come up is beautiful and seen so(after elegance.

they start pays attention to what used from foot/feet up to tip of hair.

starts from shoe, up to ornament worn by it.

no wonder if women releases money hundreds of dollar just for buying clothes.

woman really on unique, they will pay attention to what used so that commensurable.

woman hardly requires praise from people in vinicity.

there is news good to women, there is a website providing newest information in world fashion,

You soybean cake will tips draws, from this website. not only that, you also able to choose which acurate or compatible clothes with your body.
that a inspiring web to Woman who need a new look, you can find at Coach outlet

definition information technology

Information technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware."[1] IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

Today, the term information has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term has become very recognizable. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems. Information technology is starting to spread farther than the conventional personal computer and network technology, and more into integrations of other technologies such as the use of cell phones, televisions, automobiles, and more, which is increasing the demand for such jobs.

When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology, or "infotech". Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information.

In recent days ABET and the ACM have collaborated to form accreditation and curriculum standards[2] for degrees in Information Technology as a distinct field of study separate from both Computer Science and Information Systems. SIGITE[3] is the ACM working group for defining these standards.

one of web that concern in development from information technology is Techie Zone

new turkish e-commerce website

Electronic commerce, commonly known as (electronic marketing) e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage. The use of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well.

A large percentage of electronic commerce is conducted entirely electronically for virtual items such as access to premium content on a website, but most electronic commerce involves the transportation of physical items in some way. Online retailers are sometimes known as e-tailers and online retail is sometimes known as e-tail. Almost all big retailers have electronic commerce presence on the World Wide Web.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Google entering the 'smart TV' market, reports say

Google and its partners are looking to become the latest players to beam Web content onto your television, according to media reports.

The Web search giant, along with Intel and Sony, would integrate applications like Twitter and the Picasa photo site onto TV screens, according to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

Both reports attributed news of the project, said to be in its early stages, to unnamed sources. Google did not return a message from CNN seeking comment.

Google would open its Android smartphone operating system to developers to use for the television project, according to the reports.

Projects based on the software could begin popping up as early as this summer, the Times reported.

The move would follow several established companies and some startups working to more fluidly combine Web content and television viewing.

Earlier this month, TiVo announced that subscribers will be able to pull Internet content, music and movies onto their televisions more easily with a new Premiere service.

The "Boxee Box," which won the title of "Last Gadget Standing" at January's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, lets users search and store Web content and either play it on television or share it on social-networking sites.

California-based company Roku has also rolled out a digital video player that integrates television, Web content and a video library.

What do you think? Would you welcome Google's entry into the TV business?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

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have a nice day

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

web hosting

If you came here searching for a good web hosting, I need not tell you the importance of web hosting for the success of your website. There is no dearth of web hosting providers in the market but finding a reliable one is not an easy task. Further, making the right choice in the first attempt is important as changing your web hosting provider is the last thing you would like to do. This article intends to help you select a good web hosting for your website.
What should you look out for in a good web hosting:

* Server uptime: Most of the web hosting providers claim to provide a server uptime of 99%. Check out whether they really do.
* Server speed: How long does it take your website to load? Clear your browser’s cache and check out for yourself.
* Web hosting control panel: An easy to use web panel is required to manage your files and folders and give you better control over your website. My personal favourite is cPanel.
* Auto install script: This proves to be much helpful when you want to install some standard software like WordPress. Right from uploading files to creating database, everything is taken care of. I personally prefer Fantastico.
* File backup: You should be able to take a complete backup of your website from the web hosting control panel.
* CGI / database support: Check out whether the web hosting supports the required versions of CGI / database such as PHP & MySQL. Compare them with the required versions required by the software you want to install.
* Email accounts: Most of the web hosting providers give you a few free email accounts. Don’t miss them to make your web address look professional.
* Scalability: If your web hosting provider also offers Virtual Private Server (VPS) and Dedicated Server Hosting, you will not have to look elsewhere when your requirement grows.
* Reliability: Always make it a point to go with the reputed one. Web hosting is a volatile business and many new players come and go each day. You should be able to find your web hosting provider in the market when you get up from the bed next morning.
* Affordability: What use is a web hosting if you can’t afford it? I would happily pay a price of up to $7 per month for a nice web hosting and up to $10 for exceptionally good web hosting. Can’t afford to pay a penny beyond that.

if you want to look a web hosting, you can see that recommended web hosting.
good luck

Monday, March 15, 2010

awal 2010

huih ,,, akhirnya blog ini lagi ...
sebenarnya semenjak pindah hosting dan memiliki domain sendiri, core dari bcozjc ini jujur tidak pernah saya buka sebelumnya. karena pikir saya blog ini sudah mati. ternyata ada hal yang mengejutkan jika page rank nya sudah sampai 3. padahal dari Alexa sendiri sudah terlihat, pada 16,000,000.

tapi gak apa-apa, semoga kedepan dan bisa jalan sama-sama. saling melengkapi dan terakhir, saling menguntungkan.

Thx buat semua yang udah ngangkat blog ini. bisa jadi PR 3.